Servicios de Ingeniería

Ofrecemos soluciones integrales en metalurgia extractiva y diseño de plantas para la industria minera.

A large mining site is spread across a vast landscape with multiple heavy machinery and trucks in operation. The site has a variety of soil and rock formations, with visible conveyor belts and excavators working. The background features green hills and a partly cloudy sky.
A large mining site is spread across a vast landscape with multiple heavy machinery and trucks in operation. The site has a variety of soil and rock formations, with visible conveyor belts and excavators working. The background features green hills and a partly cloudy sky.
Ingeniería de Proyectos

Amplia experiancia en desarrollo y supervisión de estudios de ingeniería para cada etapa del proyecto de la planta de beneficio para minerales valiosos y de plantas concentradoras para polimetálicos, asi como paa las facilidades de planta, estudios medioambientales, estudios de optimización.

Investigaciones y Pruebas metalúrgicas

Amplia experiencia en la supervisión de pruebas metalúrgicas para las etapas de pre factibilidad, factibilidad, desarrollo a escala de laboratorio, pilotaje e industrial, las cuales son importantes en la definición de los parámetros y variables de diseño de planta, así como también para determinar los parámetros óptimos de operación del proceso.

Servicios en Construcción de Plantas
Ingeniería Civil para minería

Amplia experiencia en diseño, fabricación, montaje y puestas en operación de Plantas metalúrgicas desde las estructuras metalicas, equipos de cominución, equipos de concentración, instrumentacion, y lineas piping, electrica y de señal de instrumentación. Soluciones metalmecanicas para la operación continua y programas de mantenimiento.

Diseño, modificacion y ampliación de relaves en pasta y filtrados. Disposición de relleno subterrneos, manejo de diques, topografia, geodesia, estabilidad de taludes y balance hidrico. Obras civiles para facilidades de planta. Movimiento de desmonte, top soil, minado, apertura de accesos, mantenimiento de vias.

An industrial scene featuring a tall, metal mining tower or headframe. In the background, there are aged brick buildings and minimal vegetation. The architecture suggests industrial heritage with a focus on mining.
An industrial scene featuring a tall, metal mining tower or headframe. In the background, there are aged brick buildings and minimal vegetation. The architecture suggests industrial heritage with a focus on mining.


Descubre nuestros proyectos en ingeniería metalúrgica y servicios especializados.

An aerial view of a large open-pit mine featuring concentric terraces carved into the earth, surrounded by barren, dusty terrain. There is heavy machinery at the bottom of the pit indicating active mining operations. The landscape is expansive and marked by shades of brown and pink.
An aerial view of a large open-pit mine featuring concentric terraces carved into the earth, surrounded by barren, dusty terrain. There is heavy machinery at the bottom of the pit indicating active mining operations. The landscape is expansive and marked by shades of brown and pink.
Molten metal is being poured from a crucible into a mold situated on the ground. Several individuals in protective clothing, including heavy-duty boots, leggings, and aprons, are overseeing and facilitating the process. The scene appears to be outdoors, with a visible patch of grass and dirt.
Molten metal is being poured from a crucible into a mold situated on the ground. Several individuals in protective clothing, including heavy-duty boots, leggings, and aprons, are overseeing and facilitating the process. The scene appears to be outdoors, with a visible patch of grass and dirt.

Opiniones Clientes

Nuestros clientes destacan la calidad y profesionalismo de nuestros servicios.

La experiencia de Veta Andina fue fundamental para el éxito de nuestro proyecto.

Juan Pérez
Workers stand near a large industrial furnace with bright flames and heavy smoke, suggesting a metal or steel manufacturing process. The lighting is dim with an orange glow illuminating the scene, enhancing the industrial atmosphere.
Workers stand near a large industrial furnace with bright flames and heavy smoke, suggesting a metal or steel manufacturing process. The lighting is dim with an orange glow illuminating the scene, enhancing the industrial atmosphere.

Lima Perú

El equipo de Veta Andina mostró gran profesionalismo y conocimiento en cada etapa del proceso, lo que garantizó resultados óptimos en nuestra planta de beneficio.

A massive industrial machine used for mining operations, featuring large treads for movement and a giant rotating wheel for excavation. The background shows an open-pit mining environment with exposed rock and soil.
A massive industrial machine used for mining operations, featuring large treads for movement and a giant rotating wheel for excavation. The background shows an open-pit mining environment with exposed rock and soil.
María López

Arequipa Perú
